Tech Solutions

Feb 5, 2021 | Ben's Blog

All of the devices mentioned here will be demonstrated in my Clarity Cleveland YouTube account.


Ben smiles back at the Safe at Home representative.

On installation Day, tech installer, Daniel, came out with Ben’s equipment on December 16th. Within two hours, our house was much smarter! 

There is a motion sensor in Ben’s bedroom and bathroom to detect sleep disturbances, falls in the tub, and entering/exiting of those rooms. When lit, they look like an eyeball, but there are no cameras.  We asked that they not be lit. The remote support team records Ben’s motions at night and communicates with Ben on the tablet when there is a question.

The doorknob was changed to a keyless lock. A biometric lock was also available, but its depth didn’t fit with the storm door closed. The keyless lock was the perfect solution, requiring a simple code.  It’s easy to operate and reset after typing mistake.

Ben’s medications are in dispensed in a “med minder” – an automatic medication dispenser that opens the day’s dose at the programmed time and date.  It alarms to remind – flashing and blinking until he flips the case upside down to catch the pills. 

The front and back entries have door monitors on them as well, so when the door is opened or closed, the tech team knows and will call me if it’s during an overnight hour.

The coolest piece of equipment is the tablet. Ben’s tablet is a Samsung and links to the tech team.  They call him at 9 pm before his bedtime and ask about his day and he asks about theirs!  They are different staff every night, but they are his age! But like Mom, they provide Ben a teeth brushing and lights out reminder, too. 

Ben feels safe even without Mom here, knowing staff are available if he gets sick, worried about a noise in the night, or there’s a power outage. The local back-up home health aide and I are called and can be there in minutes.